Social Security




Despite the lockdown period, the reimbursement measures remain the same and Internet purchases are still not refundable ! No online Internet agent has obtained the derogatory agreement to do medical treatment forms despite numerous requests to the Ministry of Health. We are sorry. 

Following chemotherapy, alopecia areata or an accident leading to Alopecia (total hair loss) or a long term illness also causing alopecia a total or partial hair prothesis accompanies by a textile accessory becomes necessary. 

However some women relinquish this purchase due to the high costs this involves.

Since April 3, 2019, Social Security in France is committed to reimbursing €125 for a partial hair prosthesis (= Fringe suitable for alopecia) whose selling price does not exceed €125 accompanied by a textile accessory (= turban) which must be included in the purchase in order to be able to claim a refund and purchased in an institute.  A variable part may be added to this depending on the various existing healthcare plans.

Please note to be able to benefit from this refund, you must not have received a refund over the last 12 months and Internet purchases are no longer refundable except in the event of repeat prescription.

To obtain a refund, simply buy our creations in one of our partner shops or in our showroom in Nice (see our traders section because Internet purchases are no longer refunded since 2 April 2019 at midnight) and send your prescription mentioning TOTAL or PARTIAL HAIR PROSTHESIS AND TEXTILE ACCESSORIES to your health insurance fund

In France, the reimbursement of your prosthesis is made on an annual basis. 

If the reason for your hair loss is directly linked to a medical problem (alopecia, areata,…) you have the possibility of being refunded for part or all of your wig, if you have a medical prescription (Repeat prescription if necessary).

In the event of medical treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.), In France, Social Security covers €350 for class 1 wigs (= total hair prosthesis) whose selling price does not exceed €350 and which are 100% synthetic hair.

Regarding class II wigs, coverage is €250 for wigs (total hair prosthesis) whose selling price does not exceed €700 and which only contain 30% human hair.

100% human hair wigs are completely excluded from refunds and no reimbursement is possible.

If the patient does not want a total or partial hair prosthesis, three textile accessories can then be covered up to a reimbursement of €20 for 3 textile accessories whose cumulative price does not exceed €40.

Unfortunately, the textile accessories of Les Franjynes often exceed this price because we have our models made in Belgium and France by women's workshops promoting professional integration and we donate 5% of our net turnover to cancer research. As we wish to be able to continue in these social and solidarity initiatives we cannot therefore reasonably sell our textile creations under the conditions set out above. 


An additional amount may be covered by your health insurance or your insurance but this refund is extremely variable (Contact your additional healthcare cover provider for information).

Depending on the type of contact you have, it can cover from one to six times the health insurance fee. It may therefore be useful to consult the additional healthcare cover provider before purchasing to find out the amount to which you are entitled.

Once you have received the reimbursement from Social Security, you can send the invoice for your wig as well as the Social Security reimbursement certificate to your Healthcare plan.

The reimbursement from your Healthcare plan will depend on the type of contract taken out.

Fringes & turbans covered by Social Security:

Social Security in France covers €125 for partial hair prostheses including a textile accessory (= fringes suitable for alopecia + 1 turban) prescribed by prescription (mentioning total or partial hair prostheses with accessories) , and 100% coverage for long term illnesses. Some healthcare insurance covers all or part of the price difference of your purchases of hair prostheses. Contact your Health Insurance for information.

To obtain a refund for all or part of your hair prosthesis follow these steps carefully: :

Step 1: Go to a partner institute or pharmacy or to our showroom in Nice

When paying for your order, an invoice will be automatically generated. It is important that the word " Paid " is written on the invoice to obtain the reimbursement from Social Security.

You will need to send an invoice to your health insurance fund and your additional healthcare cover provider if the remote transmission between the 2 is not automatic, accompanied by the original of the prescription and the medical treatment form established by the approved establishment which will issue you your prosthesis.

N.B: It is not difficult, to obtain the refund from Sickness Insurance, which appears on the invoice, of other products than the hair prosthesis as long as the total or partial hair prosthesis complies with the recommendations explained above.

Step 2: Sending the documents to Social Security in France

To obtain your refund, send the following to Social Security:


N.B: To obtain the refund, it is important to send these 3 documents TOGETHER.

Step 5: Reimbursement and transmission to your additional Healthcare Cover provider

Except specific exception to your additional health care provider/healthcare insurance, Social security will proceed to the refund and will automatically transfer your file to your additional healthcare provider/healthcare insurance


As a manufacturer and distributor approved by French Social Security, we can prepare and provide you with a medical treatment form for the reimbursement of your hair solution if it is purchased in the following cases:

  • Purchase on site at the Showroom or from one of our authorised traders:

We provide you with a dedicated changing area. The hair prothesis trial is free and there is no obligation to buy (We only receive you by appointment). On presentation of a prescription signed by your doctor, we can prepare and provide you with a medical treatment form to benefit from a €125 reimbursement from Social Security in France.

To make an appointment at the showroom in Nice, please contact us at or on 04 89 05 09 01

  • Purchase on the Internet within the framework of a prescription stating « RENEWAL/REPEAT » of a hair prosthesis or accessory :

Within the context of a renewal only (of products similar to the initial purchase and after a period of 12 months following the previous date of coverage), the purchase of your hair product via the Internet can then be supported.

Finally, to benefit from your reimbursement, after making sure that the coverage conditions are met (in particular for an online purchase, that it is indeed a renewal or repeat prescription) and after having placed your order or upon receipt of the model, please send us a copy of your order specifying your order number:

  • Either by e- mail  :
  • Or by post : Les Franjynes - 20 rue Vernier - 06000 Nice

We will thus prepare a medical treatment form and you will have to return these 2 documents as well as the purchase invoice to your health insurance fund. The invoice is always placed inside the package and the copies available in your customer account directly in your order history.